Baker Consultants

Baker Consultants’ Team Expands with New Senior Ecologist, Jonathan Jones

We’re pleased to share that we recently welcomed Jonathan Jones to the Baker Consultants team as Senior Ecologist. With over a decade of experience in the field, Jonathan brings a wealth of knowledge and a diverse skill set with him. During his career, Jonathan has worked on multiple projects across the UK, including large and multi-phased residential developments.

What makes Jonathan a valuable addition to our team is his multifaceted skillset. His key areas of interest lie in botany, protected species and impact assessments; critical components for ensuring we minimise the impact developments have on the surrounding plants, animals and wider environment.

In addition to the above, Jonathan is also a certified tree climber, a skill that is increasingly relevant following the release of the 4th edition of the Bat Conservation Trust’s Survey Guidelines, which encourage the use of this as both a supplementary and alternative survey method to assess potential bat roosts in trees.

Speaking about his new role at Baker Consultants, Jonathan said “I’m looking forward to diversifying and developing into new areas and where Baker Consultants have renowned expertise, including acoustic monitoring and invertebrate survey.”

In his first week, Jonathan hit the ground running and got stuck into site work – already tackling new projects head-on. In the coming weeks and months, we look forward to sharing more about Jonathan and the projects he will be working on.


If you’re also interested in being part of our friendly, innovative and award-winning team, please get in touch with our Consultancy Director, Gavin Ward, on for an informal chat about our team, culture and the current opportunities we have on offer.

The Baker Consultants team is highly experienced and we are passionate about what we do. If you need advice related to ecology, surveys or conservation, then please get in touch with us via our contact form on the website, or you can call us on +44 (0)1629 593958 or email us on