Baker Consultants

2. Ecological assessment

Do you need an Environmental Impact Assessment? Know your obligations early

Ecological assessment

What does your environmental statement need to include?

Many proposals will require formal assessment under the Environmental Impact Regulations (EIA) with a biodiversity chapter in the Environmental Statement. Projects located within proximity of designated sites protected by law (SSSI, SPA, SAC, SINC, Local and National Nature Reserves) may require assessment under the Habitats Regulations 2017 or other consents under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. These designations do not need to be a barrier to development but do require a team with the depth of understanding and experience to develop a strong argument for your project.

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Our Services

Take a look

Species and Habitat Surveys

Wildlife is not a barrier to development.


Bat Survey

Protected species.


Bird Survey

Wildlife and habitat survey and bioacoustics.


Habitat Regulations Assessments

Our team of highly skilled ecology consultants has a reputation for innovation...


Biodiversity Net Gain

New developments must deliver net gains for wildlife.


Environmental Impact Assessments

No planning without EIA.
