Baker Consultants

Habitat Regulations Assessments

Expert knowledge and delicate negotiation

Any plan or project which may affect a Special Projection Area or a Special Area of Conservation or Ramsar site must be assessed against the legal structures set out in the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) otherwise known as the Habitats Regulations. Famously described as a legal ‘obstacle course’ Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRAs) of plans or projects require expert knowledge of the legislation and the accompanying caselaw. Contact our experienced team to discuss you HRA requirements.

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What is involved in the HRA process

A key factor of success for HRA work is the consultation process with the statutory nature conservation organisation (SNCO) (e,g. Natural England or Scottish Natural Heritage) as they must be consulted on all projects that require an ‘Appropriate Assessment’. Although these regulations originated from European Directives the legislation has been retained by the UK and NI governments and requires a lateral thinking approach to avoid incurring huge costs for unnecessary mitigation or compensatory measures.

Baker Consultants’ team not only has an intimate knowledge of the legislation, caselaw and guidance but also understand the work of specialist consultants (e.g air quality and transport) translating their assessments into the relevant chapter of the Appropriate Assessment. Appropriate Assessments require a higher burden of proof than Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and our team is used to ensuring that all specialist contributions to the AA meet the requirements of the legislation.

Habitat Regulations Assessments

Why Baker Consultants?

Baker Consultants has worked with local planning authorities writing HRAs of strategic plans and taking those plans through to examination in public as well as producing ‘shadow HRA’s for submission with planning applications. We have a long and successful record of negotiating with SNCOs and notably in one case got Natural England to agree to granting permission for residential housing within 400m of the Thames Basin Heaths SPA (something which is normally not possible) NE attended the planning inquiry to support to proposed project.

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Our services

Take a look

Environmental Impact Assessments

No planning without EIA.


Local Plan Review

National and local planning policy and how it affects biodiversity.


Biodiversity Net Gain

New developments must deliver net gains for wildlife.


Species and Habitat Surveys

Wildlife is not a barrier to development.


Protected Species Licensing

Our team of highly skilled ecology consultants has a reputation for innovation...
