Baker Consultants

4. Planning submission/Public inquiry

Ecologists form part of your development planning and public inquiry team

Planning submission/Public inquiry

Planning for ecology

Those development applications that require EIA or HRA before submission may well also require consultation and negotiation with the planning authority and/or the statutory conservation body (e.g. Natural England). Wherever you are at in terms of planning for your project, Baker Consultants can tackle the ecology issues that arise whether it be site allocation, planning application or, if necessary, planning appeal. We have an established track record of successfully negotiating with third parties, even on the most controversial of projects.

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Let Baker Consultants guide you through the planning process

Working as part of your development planning team we provide advice at every point of the process. We work closely with planning consultants and other specialists e.g. lighting, transport, access and recreation and air quality to ensure a collaborative approach to getting the application together. Our senior team has considerable experience of representing clients at public inquires, appeal hearing, local plan inquiries and parliamentary select committees. With a focus on agreeing common ground and constructive dialogue with opponents we have had some notable successes on some highly controversial projects and we often get recommended by senior barristers for our ability to present scientific evidence clearly and definitively.

Have a look at our case studies to see our track record of working with a range of clients to achieve planning success. If you are expecting to go to appeal or your project has been called in for a public inquiry or judicial review then you need the most robust data and an experienced expert witness to represent you.

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Our Services

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Expert Witness

Our team of highly skilled ecology consultants has a reputation for innovation...


Habitat Regulations Assessments

Our team of highly skilled ecology consultants has a reputation for innovation...


Environmental Impact Assessments

No planning without EIA.


Biodiversity Net Gain

New developments must deliver net gains for wildlife.
