Baker Consultants

Local Plan Review

Local plan development

Local Authorities’ strategic plans are in a constant state of flux with many strategic plans being out of date or actively reviewed. It is critical that any business that may be affected by changes to strategic plans understand how changes may affect their interests. Strategic plan policies usually make reference to the protection of biodiversity reflecting national planning policies such as the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and in some case emerging legislation such as the Environment Bill.

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Local Plan Review

Why Baker Consultants?

Baker Consultants has been closely involved scrutinising many local plans and making representations to the council or presenting evidence to the Examination in Public. It is our experience that in developing new policies local authorities don’t always get it right and emerging policies on nature conservation either do not accurately reflect the law or national planning policy. Whether it be promotion of sites for allocation or protecting existing interests from changing policies Baker Consultants has a proven track record of engagement with Local Plan development.

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Our services

Take a look

Habitat Regulations Assessments

Our team of highly skilled ecology consultants has a reputation for innovation...


Environmental Impact Assessments

No planning without EIA.


Species and Habitat Surveys

Wildlife is not a barrier to development.


Expert Witness

Our team of highly skilled ecology consultants has a reputation for innovation...


Biodiversity Net Gain

New developments must deliver net gains for wildlife.


Planning submission/Public inquiry

Ecologists form part of your development planning and public inquiry team.
