Baker Consultants

Scheme design

Prioritise greenspace in the design phase

Architects like buildings, but planners like to see the space in between them. Designing ecology and biodiversity into the masterplan from an early stage can save costs and time when putting an application together. Housing density isn’t the only thing to inform site design now that biodiversity net gain has policy weight. Ecology is more than just surveying for species and can increase your chances of planning success if included in your project team from the start.

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Make planning negotiation easier from the start

If contentious environmental issues are addressed early on in the process, conflict with national or local plan policy can be avoided, smoothing the path to approval. Biodiversity design early in the project development is becoming even more imperative as the requirement for 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG) moves onto the statute books and becomes prevalent in local plan policies.

Work with a consultancy that has stayed ahead of the regulatory landscape and can advise you on all aspects of environmental policy and legislation that govern the ecology aspects of your project. Baker Consultants can work as part of your design team only specifying the surveys that are necessary to meet your obligations and add value to your project.

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Our Services

Take a look

Access and Recreation

Greenspace design for residential developments.


Habitat Creation and Translocation

Our team of highly skilled ecology consultants has a reputation for innovation...


Management Plans

Habitat Management Plans.


Biodiversity Net Gain

New developments must deliver net gains for wildlife.
