Baker Consultants

AEECoW holds inaugural training course

The Association for Environmental and Ecological Clerks of Works (AEECoW) is a not for profit organisation set up by environmental consultants three years ago.

Since then, it has established itself as the qualifying body for Environmental and Ecological Clerks of Works (Env/ECoW). Their first training course was held in Stirling in September this year to a group of multi-disciplinary professionals working in the environmental and construction industries.

Jane Forrest, Principal Ecologist from Baker Consultants attended the one-day course as a step towards a formal qualification in Env/ECoW and to share best practice experiences in this area.  The Association is in the process of setting up Good Practice Guidelines for Env/ECoW aimed primarily at planners to enable then to better understand the purpose and requirements of this role in construction projects.

More information can be found at