Baker Consultants

Spot the Paul

Indeed, a cheap football gag, but also a serious issue for those of us who care where Paul Howden-Leach will be appearing next on the Autumn round of conferences and workshops.

It’s lucky that he doesn’t mind travelling about too much because Paul is busy this Autumn running workshops, training courses and attending seminars to help people get to grips with their SM2BAT detectors and reveal some of their new applications in the survey field.

The first is our next SM2 training course on Tuesday 13th September. The next is the National Bat Conference at Warwick University 16-18th September.

Paul’s massively over subscribed workshop from last year is retitled “Comparison of remote bat sensing equipment and its applications” to take account of updates and new applications. A lot has been learned in a year both from field experience and from users who have attended our SM2 training courses.

Then it’s time for Wildlife Acoustics to come and visit us. If you have any questions for them, or our resident SM2 expert please email

The IEEM Scottish Section Conference is being held at Scottish Natural Heritage in Perth on Wednesday 5th October. As its title is “Technological Advances in Ecological Monitoring” it would be churlish not to attend. Our colleague at Wildcare, Giles Whiteside is actually speaking this time. Paul will be going along to answer questions on the Wildlife Acoustics stand, and of course promote our SM2 training courses.

Then finally, onto the first regional event for The Mammal Society, in North Wales on 12th November. Paul has been asked to run a workshop which he has titled “Not just a bat detector”. It is of course about the SM2 and its capabilities, looking its applications for a range of survey species and environments. Paul will also outline new advances and products from Wildlife Acoustics and provide support and feedback on any issues current SM2 users are facing.

Nothing booked for December yet, except of course, actual ecology client work, oh, and Christmas – am I allowed to say that yet?!