The majority of the work carried out by Baker Consultants relates to EU derived law and its implementation
From a legal point of view it is very much business as usual. The law that underpins environmental protection in the UK remains in force and must still be followed. Not to do so would instigate the same legal sanctions as before the referendum. Indeed, even when/if Article 50 is invoked EU law still applies up until the UK actually leaves the EU.
Through my work at the UK Environmental Law Association I have been very closely involved in the development and implementation of nature conservation law. In terms of the UK based work, we will keep on top of any changes to the wildlife legislation and any other changes in the law that affect our work.
For our European contracts we are exploring our options and what will be best for our continued success both in the UK and EU countries. In any event we will continue to give our clients the best service we possibly can.
If you have any questions about how the potential changes to our status with the EU may affect your projects and any ecological elements, do get in touch.
Andrew Baker FCIEEM
Managing Director