Baker Consultants

Baker Consultants Attends CIEEM 2022 Autumn Conference

Baker Consultants’ ecologists Rae Smith, Jim Longley and Isabel Commerford will be attending the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) 2022 Autumn Conference on 23rd and 24th November in Edinburgh.

The CIEEM 2022 Autumn Conference will explore how our work as ecologists is changing in response to the biodiversity crisis and changing climate, and the need to help address these environmental imperatives at the same time as delivering a robust scientific and quality professional service to our clients.

These events are a great place to network with colleagues, discuss advances in techniques and technologies and learn about industry best-practice.

Isabel will be attending sessions on data collection methods, ponds and their role as a nature-based solution to climate change, and Ella Milne’s talk on ‘How Can Rewilding Help us to Address the Biodiversity and Climate Crisis?’.

Jim is also particularly interested in hearing about the application of nature-based solutions. Key talks that have caught his eye are Penny Anderson’s session on Carbon Storage and Sequestration. John Box’s talk on Climate Action 2030 and how ecologists and environmental managers must lead the way will pull a big crowd.

Baker Consultants won’t be speaking at the event, but if you’re interested in talking to us about the sorts of projects we’re working on or our current job opportunities, then don’t be afraid to come and say hello.


If you’d like to talk to us about this event or other matters, please get in touch with us via our contact form on the website, or you can call us on +44 (0)1629 593958 or email us on