The Staffordshire Invertebrate Science Fair is an educational event dedicated to sharing the importance of insect science with the public, families and young people. There will be a range of societies sharing what they do, as well as a number of activities and keynote speakers providing their specialist knowledge on invertebrates. All are invited to attend and delve deeper into the world of invertebrates, whether that be from chatting to the experts or participating in interactive activities aimed at promoting invertebrate conservation efforts in the UK.
Dave (or “Dragonfly Dave”), will be there representing the British Dragonfly Society, showcasing the effort that’s being put into recording and protecting the rarer/scarce species, such as the Common Clubtail and White-Legged Damselfly. Dave will be on hand to help with identification, make recommendations for habitat enhancement and management, and will also be hosting a number of activities for children to enjoy, including arts and crafts.
Meg will be there on behalf of the British Arachnological Society, offering advice on recording arachnids, as well as sharing information about the society and encouraging people to join. Throughout the day, the society will be helping to create resources, run training courses and help with identification. Meg will also be bringing along a microscope camera for examining some British Harvestman specimens, for which she runs the national recording scheme.
If you would like to attend the Staffordshire Invertebrate Science Fair, find out more here.
Many potential development sites provide vital habitats for protected invertebrates. To book your specialists survey in with our dedicated team, please get in touch with us via our contact form on the website, or you can call us on +44 (0)1629 593958 or email us on