Baker Consultants

Andrew Baker will speak for UKELA Public Policy Exchange event on improving biodiversity in the UK

Baker Consultants’ Andrew Baker will be speaking on behalf of UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA) at the Public Policy Exchange (PPE) ‘Improving Biodiversity in the UK: Post-Pandemic Priorities to Tackle Nature’s Decline’ webinar on Thursday 16 September.

PPE hosts frequent interactive seminars that act as a platform for policy discussion, debate and networking, with speakers from all areas making an appearance; from Government officials to voluntary sector representatives. These events offer an insight into current policy thinking, as well as the opportunity to contribute to future policy development.

Andrew will be speaking about Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and the importance this holds for the future of ecological systems, our economy and overall well-being. With the UK’s biodiversity continuing to decline, it is soon to become an essential requirement within The Environment Bill 2019 for most types of developments to secure a 10% measurable gain in biodiversity. This has wide implications for land management and the development industry.

With his contribution to environmental law and providing his critical knowledge at public enquiries, Andrew has been a highly active member of UKELA for over 20 years. Members of UKELA help the organisation to support the conservation of the environment in the UK through developing better laws for the environment, as well as improve understanding and awareness of environmental law.

  • Find out more about the UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA) here.
  • Find out more about the Public Policy Exchange (PPE) ‘Improving Biodiversity in the UK: Post-Pandemic Priorities to Tackle Nature’s Decline’ here.


If you’d like to talk to us about this event or other matters, please get in touch with us via our contact form on the website, or you can call us on +44 (0)1629 593958 or email us on